Project summary
Newport is a 15ha residential development located 45 minutes north of the Brisbane CBD and adjacent to Moreton Bay. The project used site appropriate erosion and sediment control practices to prevent sediment leaving the site and entering the bay.
Project objectives
The project aimed to use cost effective and practical measures to ensure that sediment was not released into Moreton Bay.
Project outcomes
Stormwater runoff from undisturbed catchments were directed around active construction areas.
Runoff from active construction areas was directed to large inground storages. Here it was either reused on site, allowed to evaporate or released to the downstream environment once sediment had settled out.
Earthworks were staged. At the completion of earthworks in each location, drill seeding was used to establish vegetation and stabilise the site.
By progressively stabilising areas as earthworks were completed, and reusing captured water onsite for dust suppression, appropriate air quality was maintained for neighbouring residents.
Leon Rowlands – conversation on phone 3 August 2017